Mature playing at R.A.M. concert

The Rhodesian Academy of Music’s periodic presentation concerts give the public an opportunity to keep in touch with its work. Friday evening’s concert gave a firm impression of progress in every field of performance.

Ensemble playing included proficient wind groups and really cohesive playing by the Academy Orchestra under the director, Mr. Sibson.

Gaye Robertson’s singing was markedly more fluent and thoughtful, and Julie Ansell displayed an attractive, husky mezzo-contralto voice.

In spite of Richard Thorn’s departure there is no decline in the violin playing. Scholarship winner Anne Oldham played more strongly than I have yet heard her, and Carol Owen’s firm intonation was also impressive.


Other successes were Fiona McHarg (in the Bach Double Concerto with Carol Owen), Robin Drayton and Lionel Tobias.

The young pianists played with lots of individuality. I felt Allison Wrigley and Hazel Rogers over-romanticised, but it was a fault in the right direction of responsive, committed playing. Young Jenny Laing struck a better balance between personality and mannerism.

Jimmy Visser was always facile technically. That he sounded quite at ease in Chopin showed how much is playing has matured in recent months.

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