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75 entries.
Merle Guttmann Merle Guttmann from Israel wrote on 12/07/2011 at 00:00
Does anyone know Julie from Melbourne who left a message on Marshall's website -I would very much like to contact her but she didn't leave an email address.
Vicky Vicky from London,England wrote on 22/06/2011 at 00:00
Hello there. Please accept my apologies for the subject of this (1st) contact with you, but I am wondering if you are any relation to the artist Ivor Baron ? There are similarities that cause me to ask - apart from the name of his Son. Meantime, I shall spend some pleasure time browing your gallery. Many thanks Vicky - London, England
Leslie Marsh Leslie Marsh from Vancouver/Boston wrote on 05/02/2011 at 00:00
I never knew Marshall as an artist and or as a classical music aficionado. To me he was a groovy guy who happened to be an attorney. This said, his kindness and grace made a lasting impression upon me. Forty years on from our meeting I still have a vivid and cherished memory of a very kind and gentle man who somehow eased the pain of my relocation from the big smoke (Johannesburg) to the sticks (Bulawayo). Though we couldn't talk on matters of aesthetic taste, I like to think that in some small way I embody his sensibility. If I can't have a piece of his work on my wall, I'm happy to settle for the virtual gallery that this website affords. Thank you Merle. Thank you Marshall.
Julie Julie from Melbourne wrote on 20/08/2010 at 00:00
Beautiful website - filled with warm memories of a very special person. My mother has a work of his - much treasured
Gill Katz (Bayer) Gill Katz (Bayer) from Johannesburg, South Africa wrote on 09/08/2010 at 00:00
I was an admirer of Marshall, and was studying art at the time he was holding his first exhibitions. How he encouraged me, and gave time always to make suggestions about my work, and never to give up. I am still painting to this day! You were an awesome human being Marshall, with a beautiful neshoma (spirit). I was blessed to have known you.
Maureen Summerfield (Taylor) Maureen Summerfield (Taylor) from Cape Town, RSA wrote on 08/08/2010 at 00:00
Marshall, O.B.M. was part of my life in Bulawayo, I worked for Dad, Ben, his home was open to all, he achieved so much in his lifetime, his spirit abounds eternally. Rest in Peace always.....Maureen
Roy Chassay Roy Chassay from Sydney Australia wrote on 03/08/2010 at 00:00
What a fantastic tribute! As a young teenager in Byo, Marshall was always exceptionally close to my late Mom, Betty & her Sister Maisie, both heavily involved in the music scene. It was through Marshall that I first appreciated Bob Dylan, thanks to the records he most generously lent me. I only wish my dear Mom was still around to see this site. She loved you like a son.
Annie Stieglitz Annie Stieglitz from Wallingford, UK wrote on 03/08/2010 at 00:00
I saw Marshall's paintings in 1989, when I visited the museum in Bulawayo and saw them in a private house in Harare. I was astounded at their brilliance, the quality of the painting and their vibrant appeal to the senses. In my opinion, as an art historian, they stand up there with the best of the American Abstract Expressionists, and I think it is high time that a gallery/museum like MOMA recognized their worth. I wish you all good luck! And thank you for the website/pages!
Helene Rabinowitz Helene Rabinowitz from Melbourne Australia wrote on 01/08/2010 at 00:00
You were a great artist and a wonderful person.Thank you so much for sending the link to the website honouring Marshall - it's a wonderful tribute.
Anne Sarzin (Levy) Anne Sarzin (Levy) from Sydney, Australia wrote on 01/08/2010 at 00:00
As a young student visiting Bulawayo, I was invited to tea at the Baron home, where I had the privilege of meeting Marshall. He showed me his beautiful paintings and I was especially moved by a landscape of golden corn illuminated by moonlight. I don’t know where that artwork is today, but its beauty and power live on in my memory, as do the recollections of my brief encounter with a remarkable human being. Marshall shared his ideas generously and his intellect, artistry and sincerity made a profound impression on me.
Mauretia Treger Mauretia Treger from San Diego wrote on 25/07/2010 at 00:00
A kind and gentle, compassionate soul! The world lost a truly wonderful artist and we lost a dear friend!
Lyn Effren (Glickman) Lyn Effren (Glickman) from Beverly Hills, California wrote on 22/07/2010 at 00:00
Marshall, you were a brilliant artists talented musician, humble,down to earth, it was an honour to know you. my parents Sarah and Ernie Glickman, very talented musicians thought the world of you you will always be remembered by thousands of people who loved and adored you Rest in peace Marshall
Julian Scales Julian Scales from Gaborone wrote on 05/06/2010 at 00:00
Thanks for the fabulous website. I was thrilled to see the Radio Waves displayed !
Jane Gray Jane Gray from England wrote on 02/12/2009 at 00:00
I appeared on the Critique programme with Marshall in 1977, in Bulawayo. My name was Jane Snow then. He was a great guy and I still have a book on watercolours, with a message from him in it.I'm glad to have known him.
Martin Lieberman Martin Lieberman from Irvine, California wrote on 21/11/2009 at 00:00
You have done a wonderful job. I have a few wonderful early memories from my childhood of dinners with lively chatter and music and art at the Baron home. Fantastic!!
Jonathan Mayers Jonathan Mayers from New York, NY wrote on 02/11/2009 at 00:00
I was only about five when Marshall passed away and I only met him a few times. But still, I remember him well. I remember the excitement I felt before he would visit us in Springs and I remember so well how kind, fun and wonderful he was to me as a little guy. When my brother Frank told me about the exhibition you put together in Israel, and later showed me the website, I was overwhelmed.
Susan Loppert Susan Loppert from London wrote on 07/09/2009 at 00:00
Thank you so much for sending the link to the website honouring Marshall - it's a wonderful tribute.

I vividly remember my first meeting with Marshall - it was 1964, I'd just graduated from Wits (where I'd majored in English and History of Art), was about to go to London for postgraduate study at the Courtauld Institute of Art, and came home one afternoon to find Marshall relaxing by our pool: I was struck by how pale he was, and how skinny - very different from the usual suntanned butch South Africans! We had a long talk about Bach - I'd just bought Jacques Loussier's 'Play Bach', and Marshall disapproved strongly of this jazz interpretation (desecration, I think he called it) of his god. (Bach is one of my gods too, but I enjoyed Loussier's inventiveness.) We also talked about abstraction in art - he was in Johannesburg for his exhibition at Gallery 101. Many of his Jhbg relations were at the opening and I have a crumpled press cutting in front of me, from the Rand Daily Mail of Wednesday 26 February 1964 [my 20th birthday!], with a photo captioned as follows: 'A large crowd attended the opening in Johannesburg on Monday evening by Mr Joel Mervis, Editor of the 'Sunday Times', of an exhibition of paintings by the Rhodesian artist, Marshall Baron. Present at the opening were three of his cousins, Mr Max Loppert and his sister, Miss Susan Loppert (right), and Miss Josie Orkin, who are seen here with Miss Barbara Fink (left).'

We next met at the opening of his exhibition in 1967 or 1968 at the Goodman Gallery, Jhbg. I was visiting from London, where by then I'd landed a job at the Robert Fraser Gallery, 'the' gallery of the Swinging Sixties, featured in Time magazine and Antonioni's Blowup, the gallery where Pop Art was launched, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono floated thousands of white helium balloons into the London twilight during their trail-blazing exhibition, where Bridget Riley showed alongside Eduardo Paolozzi and Jean Dubuffet, Magritte and Lartigue. We talked about the possibility of Marshall's exhibiting in London but it was not to be. It was during that visit that Pauline Jacobson gave a party to which Marshall came with Tamas Vasary after Vasary's splendid recital, and I remember how pleased and happy Marshall was, glowing with his and his friend's successes.

Sadly, since I never returned to live in South Africa, we never met again, but I heard of and about him regularly: I was shocked when my mother, Inkey, who was also a lawyer, told me that during a visit to Bulawayo with her sister Pauline, Marshall had broken down and poured his heart out to her, confiding how unhappy he was, that he felt under enormous pressure to conform and succeed. The tragic death of this lovely, complicated, tortured, talented man was therefore perhaps less of a surprise to me than it might have been.

From time to time I see Yolanda Sonnabend, the eminent set and costume designer, who has very fond memories of Marshall in Bulawayo. She's a year younger than Marshall would have been and bears with fortitude all manner of illnesses and accidents, trials and tribulations; sadly, she doesn't have email but will, I’m sure, be delighted to know about the website.
Mike and Yvonne Isaacson Mike and Yvonne Isaacson from Capetown, South Africa wrote on 06/09/2009 at 00:00
I cannot think of any area at all in which Marshall did not excel, but that area in which he excelled the most in my opinion was that he was MY friend, and a very valued friend too!
Chonat Getz Chonat Getz from Johannesburg SA wrote on 03/09/2009 at 00:00
What a great website - filled with memories for those of us who knew Marshall. Well done Nadav and Merle!!
Tracy Shalit (Baron) Tracy Shalit (Baron) from Dallas, Texas wrote on 01/09/2009 at 00:00